
Sealants are preventive treatments designed to keep cavities and decay from affecting your teeth. These common dental procedures are affixed over the chewing surfaces of your rear teeth, helping to prevent bacteria from entering into crevices along the teeth and causing damage. Sealant treatments are typically performed for children, helping to keep harmful bacteria from the teeth for years to come.
Sealants are thin layers of resin that are placed on the pits, fissures, and grooves of molars to prevent decay on these surfaces. The majority of decay on back teeth starts in the grooves and pits of chewing surfaces, especially during the first few years after their eruption. Sealing these surfaces with composite resins prevents this kind of decay. Sealants are one of the most effective methods of preventing decay on the surfaces where they are placed. Although it is still a possibility that decay may develop on surfaces in between teeth, sealants significantly reduce the overall chance of having cavities.

Did you know…

Many Calgary parents choose sealants for their kids because it is more affordable and less invasive to prevent cavities than it is to treat irreversible dental decay.
Sealants are white or clear in color, making them virtually invisible when talking, smiling or eating.
Dental sealants cover approximately 90 percent of the tooth structure and are 100 percent effective when fully preserved on the teeth.